Wed-nan finds by chance that Bai Li-shi shelters the drug-snugglers and the casinoes. Wei-nan warns him and swears to be an honest and responsible police. He is also gathering evidence for Inspector Han to prosecute them. Wen-ching, however, discourages him as a police when he is frustrated. Tung Kang appreciates Wei-chi ever since he has become his subordinate. Wei-nan is surprised to find that Wei-chi has become so rich but is easily deceived. Once, Wei-chi is caught by police. Wei-nan asks him to tell him the chief behind the scene but Wei-chi refuses. Seeing that Wei-chi is so heroic, Tung Kang bribes the police and Wei-chi is released. Wei-chi helps Tung Kang to deal with Ting-bang successfully. Ting-bang yields to Tung Kang though unwillingly.