They changed their minds and took her home and called her BO-BUI. 7 years passed and they're tired of robbery. They tried to work but failed always. WAI-CHOI gambled and won, until he saw AH-KIU there and ran from her. He even made LUI-YEN moved house with him. CHU GOT-YAT never works but play. His parents thought it's time for him to get married. On the wedding night, he escapes and left his bride, FUNG-YEE behind. He got himself into a fight with LUI-YEN and WAI-CHOI but soon became good friends and promised to help to raise BO-BUI. She's now all grown up and pretty and deeply loved by her fathers. They are now MUT-TUNG's bouncer. LAU CHUI-YIK met BO-BUI while waiting for the rain to stop and was stung by her.